COD3 PS3 vs Xbox360
Based on criteria like this, it's hard to imagine COD not impressing. After all, it sounds exciting, so where are all the pitfalls? Unfortunately, they can be found everywhere... especially if you've played the Xbox 360 version released earlier in the year. A quick comparison reveals those differences right off the bat. Be it with multiplayer options and online capabilities (360 has a point system and voice support, PS3 doesn't), or the visuals (Xbox moves at a smoother framerate with few hitches, while the PS3 version stutters often and boasts a more "washed out" color palette).
Washed out colors, multiple collision issues, and a highly inconsistent framerate hurt what was a very good looking Xbox 360 game. Even so, its particles are great and there's a lot going on.
Tony Hawk Project 8, COD3, NFS Carbon , RS Vegas usw und Co auch Xbox360 Version >>>> PS3 Version... langsam mach ich mir sorgen um die PS3.. bisher sind alle Multiplattformtitel auf der Xbox360 besser.. Cod3 bietet auf der PS3 nichtmal !!! VOICECHAT ! wie arm ist das.. wahrlich Next Gen..