Wegen dem Solar Spiegel(was für ne Scheiß Übersetzung
)da musst du so viel ich noch weiß im nordöstlichen Teil der Calm Lands(us Version:da wo du halt den Chocochief triffst)mal vorbeischauen.Da war so ein Typ an der Klippe der den Weg zu ner Truhe versperrt hat, der jetzt frei sein müsste.Aber ich glaub da ist nur das Schwert.Schau mal im Options Menü unter seltene Items ob du's doch nicht vieleicht hast.Wenn dass nicht hilft schau bei Yahoo.com unter dem Such Begriff FFX nach.
P.S.:Wenn du noch KEIN Luftschiff haben solltest hast du dir die ganze Mühe umsonst gemacht und darfst dass dann wiederholen.
P.P.S.:Hier ist eine Englische Lösung für dich und alle dies wissen wollen:
- A. Tidus' Caladbolg -
Weapon location: Northwest corner of the Calm Lands, behind a mandala at the
bottom of a very narrow hidden trail. Win all four chocobo races, and the
person blocking the pathway will be gone. You _must_ have the Celestial Mirror
in your inventory to get the weapon, otherwise the guard will not move.
(There's no point in going down the trail without the mirror anyway.) If you
won all of the races pre-mirror, and come back after obtaining it, simply win
all of the races again and immediately go to the path the guard was blocking.
Sun Crest location: Yevon Dome, in a treasure chest in the same area where you
fought Yunalesca. You may have to go up and down the stairs once or twice to
get the chest to appear. It's on the left side of the screen, and blends in
with the wall.
Sun Sigil location: After you can control the airship, it's a prize for
winning the fourth chocobo race against the other chocobo rider with a time of
better than 0:0:0. I have no advice on how to do this, other than use the other
rider as a shield if possible, use the D-pad and not the analogue control
stick, and grab balloons like mad. You need between 12 - 15 for a time of
0:0:0. In the Japanese FFX, there was a cheat that made the birds pass right
through you, and therefore this process very simple, but it seems to have been
taken out of the North American - and presumably PAL - release. So the moral of
this story is, practice practice practice, learn Japanese and import the game
so that you can cheat, or check out Morelock's Sidequests FAQ for an in-depth
strategy of how to win this race.
Difficulty to Obtain: Medium difficulty, but not especially time-consuming.
Most people would argue that the hardest part are the last two chocobo races.
Abilities: [Break Damage Limit] + [Triple Overdrive] + [Evade & Counter] +
[Magic Counter]
Special Effects: Does more damage when Tidus' HP is full, no effect on Aeons.
Name origin: The Caladbolg is a sword of Irish and Celtic myth that was so
strong, it once cut a hill in half. Caladbolg can also be a generic name for
any kind of death-dealing sword. In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy X,
Tidus' ultimate weapon was called the Ultima Weapon, which starting with FFVI,
there's been either a boss, or a weapon for the main character named this, or
both, and the weapon has always done damage dependant on HP. In the English
FFVI, it was translated as Atma. Caladbolg almost makes more sense, in a way,
because it's not the typical white, pink, and purple gradiented design of the
Ultima Weapon - it's blue and gold.