Arx Fatalis noch dieses Jahrtausend?



Hat jemand mitbekommen, wo zum Henker denn Arx Fatalis für
die Box bleibt? Und wann kommt endlich die Morrowind
GOTY-Edition? Bleib ich Weihnachten ohne Rollenspiel
oder wie ;) ?

Falls jemand was weiss,
Arx Fatalis ist grad in der US Gold geworden und kommt am 23. in den Staaten raus (Europa ist noch TBA) und Morrowind GotY ist US schon draussen und kommt im Februar bei uns.

Hier noch ein Quote vom Chef der Arkane Studios, das drauf eingeht, warum es so lange gedauert hat:

Hello guys,
I run Arkane Studios, the developer Studio of Arx Fatalis.

Fuel, porting the game to Xbox was a very interesting experience, it forced us to be more ''clean'' if you see what I mean. Also, we had to rework all the controls and interface so it was a interesting challenge. One of the good thing is that we''ve fixed many bugs that were in the PC version, so this version is really polished.

About delays, I''m sorry if you felt cheated, but there wasn''t any intention in doing so, you know the game industry is more complex than it might look sometimes : Console games require certifications from MS, then there might be production issues, etc... We always try to meet the dates we commit to, but sometimes things go wrong, things that we don''t always control directly, and on such big time scales, delays are unfortunately to be expected because any little problem can hurt the deadlines.

About the sequel, I can''t comment yet, but I''ll keep you posted
