Na da habt ihr ja alle nun euren geforderten Preis und bei den Line Up kann man auch nicht meckern.
September 2007:
13.09.2007 - Könige der Wellen (Surfs Up)
14.09.2007 - Colin McRae: DIRT
19.09.2007 - Heavenly Sword
19.09.2007 - Warhawk
20.09.2007 - NASCAR 08
20.09.2007 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
21.09.2007 - Ratatouille
27.09.2007 - FIFA 08
27.09.2007 - NHL 08
28.09.2007 - SEGA Rally
28.09.2007 - Timeshift
3. Quartal 2007:
3. Qtl. 2007 - Darksiders: Wrath of War
3. Qtl. 2007 - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
3. Qtl. 2007 - Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
3. Qtl. 2007 - Rogue Warrior
3. Qtl. 2007 - Snakeball
3. Qtl. 2007 - Stuntman: Igniton
Oktober 2007:
04.10.2007 - Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WW II
04.10.2007 - Madden NFL 08
04.10.2007 - NBA Live 08
10.10.2007 - Folklore
11.10.2007 - Skate
24.10.2007 - Eye of Judgement
24.10.2007 - Lair
26.10.2007 - Blacksite: Area 51
30.10.2007 - Need for Speed: ProStreet
31.10.2007 - Stranglehold
November 2007:
02.11.2007 - Bladestorm: Der Hundertjährige Krieg
05.11.2007 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
07.11.2007 - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
09.11.2007 - Assassins Creed
09.11.2007 - Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
09.11.2007 - Unreal Tournament III
15.11.2007 - Army of Two
15.11.2007 - Medal of Honor: Airborne
16.11.2007 - Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
18.11.2007 - Time Crisis 4
23.11.2007 - Ferrari Challenge
23.11.2007 - Haze
28.11.2007 - Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal
30.11.2007 - Der Goldene Kompass
4. Quartal 2007:
4. Qtl. 2007 - Alone in the Dark 5
4. Qtl. 2007 - Battlefield: Bad Company
4. Qtl. 2007 - Beowulf: The Game
4. Qtl. 2007 - Blast Factor: Advanced Research
4. Qtl. 2007 - Borderlands
4. Qtl. 2007 - Burnout: Paradise
4. Qtl. 2007 - Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
4. Qtl. 2007 - Clive Barkers Jericho
4. Qtl. 2007 - Conan
4. Qtl. 2007 - Der Herr der Ringe: Der weiße Rat
4. Qtl. 2007 - Elefunk
4. Qtl. 2007 - Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars
4. Qtl. 2007 - Everyday Shooter
4. Qtl. 2007 - Gauntlet II
4. Qtl. 2007 - Go! Sports Ski
4. Qtl. 2007 - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
4. Qtl. 2007 - Half-Life 2:Orange
4. Qtl. 2007 - HEI$T
4. Qtl. 2007 - High Velocity Bowling
4. Qtl. 2007 - inFAMOUS
4. Qtl. 2007 - Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
4. Qtl. 2007 - Loco Roco Cocoreccho
4. Qtl. 2007 - Metal Gear Online
4. Qtl. 2007 - Operation Creature Feature
4. Qtl. 2007 - Pain
4. Qtl. 2007 - Pixeljunk Racers
4. Qtl. 2007 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
4. Qtl. 2007 - SOCOM: Confrontation
4. Qtl. 2007 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
4. Qtl. 2007 - The Bigs
4. Qtl. 2007 - The Club
4. Qtl. 2007 - The Last Remnant
4. Qtl. 2007 - The Simpsons Game
4. Qtl. 2007 - Tom Clancy`s End War
4. Qtl. 2007 - Tony Hawk`s Proving Ground
4. Qtl. 2007 - Toy Home
4. Qtl. 2007 - Trials of Topoq
4. Qtl. 2007 - WipEout HD
TBA 2007:
2007 TBA - Afrika
2007 TBA - Hellboy
2007 TBA - Just Cause 2
2007 TBA - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
2007 TBA - Tekken 6
2007 TBA - White Knight Story
Januar 2008:
22.01.2008 - Dark Sector
Februar 2008:
08.02.2008 - Turok
1. Quartal 2008:
1. Qtl. 2008 - Condemned 2: Bloodshot
1. Qtl. 2008 - Destroy All Humans 3: Path of the Furon
1. Qtl. 2008 - Devil May Cry 4
1. Qtl. 2008 - Die Chroniken von Narnia: Prinz Caspian
1. Qtl. 2008 - Fatal Inertia
1. Qtl. 2008 - Final Fantasy Versus XIII
1. Qtl. 2008 - Frontlines: Fuel of War
1. Qtl. 2008 - Golden Axe
1. Qtl. 2008 - Iron Man
1. Qtl. 2008 - Little Big Planet
1. Qtl. 2008 - Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
1. Qtl. 2008 - Monster Madness Ex
1. Qtl. 2008 - MX vs. ATV Untamed
1. Qtl. 2008 - Rock Band
1. Qtl. 2008 - Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
1. Qtl. 2008 - Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
2. Quartal 2008:
2. Qtl. 2008 - BUZZ! Quiz-TV
2. Qtl. 2008 - Dynasty Warriors 6
2. Qtl. 2008 - Grand Theft Auto 4
2. Qtl. 2008 - Highlander
2. Qtl. 2008 - Killzone 2
2. Qtl. 2008 - L.A. Noire
2. Qtl. 2008 - Operation Flashpoint 2
2. Qtl. 2008 - Saints Row 2
2. Qtl. 2008 - SBK 08 - Superbike World Championship
2. Qtl. 2008 - Sid Meiers Civilization: Revolution
2. Qtl. 2008 - Star Wars: Force Unleashed
2. Qtl. 2008 - Top Spin 3
2. Qtl. 2008 - Ultimate Fighting Championship
2. Qtl. 2008 - VIKING: Battle for Asgard
3. Quartal 2008:
3. Qtl. 2008 - Fallout 3
3. Qtl. 2008 - Fracture
3. Qtl. 2008 - Prototype
3. Qtl. 2008 - Robert Ludlums The Bourne Conspiracy
3. Qtl. 2008 - The Agency
3. Qtl. 2008 - To End All Wars
3. Qtl. 2008 - WET
4. Quartal 2008:
4. Qtl. 2008 - Conflict: Denied Ops
4. Qtl. 2008 - Legendary: The Box
4. Qtl. 2008 - Mafia II
4. Qtl. 2008 - Mirrors Edge
TBA 2008:
2008 TBA - Final Fantasy XIII
2008 TBA - Harker
2008 TBA - Midnight Club: Los Angeles
2008 TBA - Race Driver One
2008 TBA - Rise of the Argonauts
2008 TBA - Saboteur
2008 TBA - Silent Hill V
2008 TBA - Soul Calibur IV
Voll TBA:
TBA Voll - Cash Guns Chaos
TBA Voll - Everybody´s Golf 5
TBA Voll - Eyedentify
TBA Voll - Fifth Phantom Saga
TBA Voll - High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
TBA Voll - Ni-oH
TBA Voll - Possession
TBA Voll - Resident Evil 5
TBA Voll - Singstar
TBA Voll - Siren
TBA Voll - Test Drive: Unlimited