Content goes up Thursday at approximately 6PM EST.
This is for North America only unless specified otherwise and updated as we get more information.
PS Cards are out this week in Japan. Importers, start your engines! Downloadable PS1 games are region-free.
Last week:
Folklore - Demo in Japan Store
Championship Sprint - $4.99 (another Midway/SOE title)
RR7 - Additional content, some for $$$
Some more HOME and WarHawk beta invites went out.
This week:
June 7th:
Resistance - update - WW servers, in-game cheater reporting added, XMB support expanded (you can see friends list in-game on a seperate tab, not an XMB overlay) - free
Resistance - Map Pack - the maps will support all multiplayer modes and there will be 8p, 16p, 32p, and 40p versions of the maps - $7.99
You can buy the map packs on the store or in the game.
Scheduled for June:
June 14th:
Go! Puzzle
Other June (Unconfirmed Dates):
MotorStorm - Japan players getting online play - free
MotorStorm - increased friend list limit to 50 - fixes glitch where it will not display any friends in the list if you have more than 30, time attack mode, see game status and more game details in lobby
MotorStorm - new track Coyote Revenge, new unlockable vehicles - for $$$
Lair - Demo
Super Stardust HD