Galathor hat folgendes geschrieben:
Ach, und was genau war beim letzten Herbst-Update das Problem?
Rofl und Windows kannst du dir sonst wo hinschieben, du bist einfach unglaublich lächerlich - dein MySpace-Profil ist ja sschon täglich einen Lacher wert.

War bei uns wohl nur bei dem hier etwas problematisch:
War sogar beim Herbst DBU:
"There were 2 problems with the fall update:
1) New or newly-repaired 360s would download and apply the update, and when it restarted the 360 was bricked with a black screen saying "Contact Support" in about 10 languages and error code E71
2) Some machines get caught in an update loop, where they start to download the update but the 360 says it can't complete the download. Every time they sign in to XboxLive they are notified of an update, but can never download it fully."
Und dem Frühlings Update:
Das krasseste:
"YES!! i am dealing with the same issue now! i've called cust service and they want me to pay 140$ to have it repaired i've spent hours on the phone. this is obviously a microsoft issue and it should be fixed for free."