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USA: Verkaufszahlen im Dezember 2014 - Xbox One letzten Monat vorne, PS4 dominiert jedoch das gesamte Jahr

Grad gefunden, in einer Tabelle sieht das doch recht interessant aus

Bei den Titeln von links nach rechts lesen, dann sieht man für welche Konsole die Spiele am meisten verkauft wurden.


-Xbox One also sold more games throughout November and December in the U.S. than any other current-generation platform.
-Wii U software is up 75% year over year for the whole year overall.
-Mario Kart 8 LTD: 1.7 million (physical + digital)
-Super Smash Bros Wii U: 1.3 million (physical + digital)
-Super Smash Bros 3DS: 2 million (physical + digital)
-Pokemon ORAS: 2.6 million (physical + digital)
-In 2014, 16 Nintendo 3DS titles sold at least 250,000 units. Of those titles, eight sold more than 500,000 units and three sold over 1 million units.
-In 2014, the top 15 best-selling hand-held titles were all released on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.


Xbox One: Best selling platform.
PS4/XB1 Combined: Around 2.33 million based on Note 3 below.
Wii U: Best month ever.

-Xbox 360 became the best-selling seventh generation console of all time in the U.S.
-Xbox One became the best-selling console in the U.S. in November and December and weekly average sales during these months outpaced Xbox 360 by 50 percent at the same point in its lifecycle.
-After 14 months on the market, cumulative sales of PS4 and Xbox One exceed the Xbox 360 and PS3 cumulative 14 month total by 65 percent.
-The PS4 was the best selling console for the year as a whole.
-Wii U hardware sales are up 29% for the year as a whole over 2013.
-[Accessories Note]: Amiibos are a bit under 2.6 million units sold. This is around a 70% attach rate to the Wii U. There's still conceptual growth room given Skylanders was over 175 million toys worldwide as of May.

Weitere interessante Infos noch im Thread dort:
NPD Sales Results for December 2014 [Up2: Nintendo Sales Notes] - NeoGAF
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Interessant dass das einzige Exklusiv Spiel von Nintendo ist. :praise:

Von Sony und MS ist da nix
Für die WiiU war 2014 auf jeden Fall ein Klasse Jahr in den Staaten
Gute Zeiten für Gamer, alle Hersteller freuen sich und Multi-Konsoleros sowieso :)

PS: dieses Jahr kommen einige phette Exclusives auf uns zu: The Order, Uncharted 4, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Forza 6 und und und .... geil!

Update: woo, Division und Witcher 3 natürlich auch - Wahnsinn!
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