Naja, den Award für Halo 3 hätte ich ja noch halbwegs verstanden, immerhin hat Bungie in Halo 3 durchaus einiges im Konsolensektor revolutioniert. (Forge beispielsweise)
Die Begründung dagegen ist dann schon etwas merkwürdig:
"Best innovation:
Halo 3
Halo 3 is indisputable proof of how closely Bungie knows its games' players. It knows what they value, why they play and how they play. It therefore built Halo 3 to express what its fans dreamt it could be: fourplayer online co-op, a level editor, screenshots, and the best matchmaking system in the world. But Bungie made Halo 3 much more than just what its fans thought they wanted. Instead of a vanilla screenshot mode, it has a full theatre mode. Level editing is live and collaborative, and even part of the multiplayer itself. Co-op includes a deep scoring system that provides welcome competition while battling together. It allows players to share their films, screenshots, maps and gametypes with each other. While none of these features is truly new to videogames, they have never been so thoroughly and accessibly incorporated into such a supremely coherent whole. Halo 3 is the result of a company considering its games' players like no other."
Im Prinzip loben sie Bungie also eigentlich nur dafür, dass sie das beste Halo gemacht haben (--> Verbesserungen) weisen dann aber sogar darauf hin, dass sie im Prinzip nichts gemacht haben, was wirklich neu in der Videospielewelt ist. Also nicht unbedingt in dieser Form ein Kandidat für den Innovationspreis...