Gut ich fang mal an aber nich nach der reihe
Prey 685/1000
Gun 730/1000
Ninety Nine Nights 600/1000
DoA 4 510/1000
PGR 3 325/1000
Condemned 560/970
Assassins Creed 795/1000
Clive Bakers Jeriko 1000/1000
THPS Proving Ground 270/1000
Lost Planet 480/1000
King Kong 1000/1000
Turning Point 535/1000
Ninja Gaiden 2 545/1250
Hitman Blood Money 185/1000
Unreal Turnament 3 290/1000
Kane & Lynch 475/1250
Blazing Angels 1000/1000
THPS American Wasteland 900/1000
Condemned 2 595/1000
Jumper 1000/1000
Bioshock 635/1000
UNO 135/200
Feeding Frenzy 90/200
Luxor 76/200
THPS Project 8 550/1000
DBZ: Burst Limit 405/1000
NBA 2K6 1000/1000
Time Shift 805/1250
Dark Sector 615/1000
Hour of Victory 485/1000
NHL 2K6 1000/1000
Madden NFL 06 800/1000
Rainbowsix Vegas 415/1000
DMC 4 180/1000
Rainbowsix vegas 2 480/1000
NBA street Homecourt 1000/1000
Army of two 710/1250
Dead Rising 660/1000
Fantastic 4 820/1000
Bionicle heroes 860/1000
Bully 800/1000 (wegen bug die letzte mission kommt bei mir nicht)
Halo 3 740/1750
Happy tree friends 160/200
GTA 4 535/1000
Lego Indi 470/1000
Hexic 2 70/200
Worms 185/200
3D ultra minigolf 10/200
Perfect Dark Zero 290/1000
CoD 4 1000/1000
Dash of Destruction 200/200
Bomberman Live 160/200
Too Human 615/1000
Bullet Witch 900/1000
Avatar 1000/1000 (wer das nicht hat ist wirklich ein noob
Left 4 Dead 635/1000
Gears of War 1 1250/1250
Street of Rage 2 120/200
Double Dragon 75/200
Naruto Rise of a Ninja 520/1075
so jetzt die games die ich noch weiter mache aber noch nich durch hab:
Dead Space 655/1000
Small Arms 165/235
Fable 2 1040/1100
Gears of War 2 1010/1175
Viva Pinata 380/1000
mercenaries 2 535/1000
Call of Juarez 110/1000
Blacksite 235/1000
Forza 2 50/1000
Amped 3 360/1000
Oblivion 370/1000
Kung fu Panda 230/1000
Tenchu Z 170/1000
Sonic the hedgehog 2 30/200
Stranglehold 60/1250
Fracture 90/1000
Pure 530/1000
Marble 40/250
Fallout 3 100/1100
Naruto the Broken Bond 260/1000
Sonic the hedgehog 0/1000 (echt schwer da GS zu bekommen)
Legendary 105/1000
CoD 5 120/1000
CoD 2 230/1000
Crackdown 75/1250
Smash TV 10/200
NFS Most Wanted 20/1000
Cod 3 50/1000
The Darkness 270/1000
Prince of Persia 160/1000
und jetzt noch die games auf die ich keinen bock mehr hab, oder wos leich GS gab
Splintercell D.A 140/1000
F.E.A.R 5/1000
Command & Conquer 3 20/1000
Totemball 40/200
Just couse 200/1000
Fifa 08 65/1000
Fantasie star Universe 200/1250
Overlord 80/1250
PGR 4 270/1250
Two Worlds 60/1000
NFS Pro Street 5/1000
Orange Box 25/1000
Blitz the League 84/1000
NFS Carbon 15/1000
Spiderman 3 50/1000
Transformers the game 25/1000
Simpsons spiel 55/1000
KUF: circle of doom 50/1000
Sof Payback 20/1000
Doom 30/200
Shadowrun 135/1000
Hexic HD 85/200
Castlevania 25/200
Turok 200/1000
Full Auto 140/1000
Quake 4 75/1000
G.R.A.W 25/1000
NHL 07 25/1000
NBA Live 0 50/1000
Pacman 30/200
Boom Boom Rocket 25/200
Beowulf 140/1000
Tomb Rider Legend 60/1250
Kameo 340/1000
Go Go break Steady 10/200
Over G 50/1000
Skate 45/1000
Warriors orochi 2 40/1000
Conflict denied ops 65/1000
far cry 2 30/1000
MC LA 70/1000
Mass effect 40/1050
Scheiße war das jetzt lang