UK-Softwarecharts: Keine Überraschungen

Ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen: Ich hab No More Heroes vergessen, ist auf einen ganz guten 14. Platz eingestiegen. Hätt ichs gesehen, hätte ich es natürlich erwähnt ;).

Ansonsten gibts auch noch eine sehr schlechte Platzierung für Turning Point: Fall of Liberty zu vermelden - Platz 34 in der ersten Woche, aber mehr hats wohl leider auch nicht verdient. :(

Char Track Kommentar:

Sega’s ‘Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games’ shows that it hasn’t lost the will to win, having been knocked off the No1 spot in the All Formats chart three times - this week it battles its way back to the top for a seventh week, knocking EA’s ‘Army of Two’ down to No2.

Sales of ‘Army of Two’ fall 39% in its second week of release, while ‘Mario & Sonic’ sales only decline by 22%. Rockstar/Take 2’s ‘Bully: Scholarship Edition’ moves up from No4 to No3, swapping positions with Nintendo’s ‘Brain Training’, while Activision are camped at No5 for a third successive week with ‘Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’. Take 2 have a second All Formats Top 10 title this week thanks to a retail-wide price promotion on ‘Carnival: Funfair Games’ pushing it to its highest ever chart position and sales total, up from No16 to No6. Activision’s ‘Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock’ is granted an All Formats Top 10 encore thanks to strong retailer promotion (particularly on the PS2 version) which boosts it from No20 to No7 (its highest position since week 2 this year when it reached No5).

505 Games’ ‘Cooking Mama 2’ is hotting up with its first appearance ever in the All Formats Top 10 since it launched 5 weeks ago (up from No12 to No9). EA’s ‘FIFA 08’ rounds off the Top 10 with a climb of 4 places from No14 to No10. As a whole the All Formats Top 40 finds itself heavily represented by long-serving titles. On average, a title in this week’s Top 40 will have been there for 18 weeks - with DS titles ‘Brain Training’ and ‘New Super Mario Bros.’ the mainstays with 93 weeks and 90 weeks on chart respectively. There are 2 new entries in this week’s All Formats Top 40: Codemasters’ ‘Turning Point: Fall of Liberty’ (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) at No17, one place ahead of the stylish Wii game ‘No More Heroes’ from Rising Star Games and developer Grasshopper Manufacture at No18.
Hier im übrigen ein paar Stats zum Februar:


Wii - 21.3%
DS - 19.8%
Xbox 360 - 18.4%
PS3 - 17.1%
PC - 15.2%
PS2 - 4.1%
PSP - 3.8%
Mac - 0.3%


Wii - 21.3%
Xbox 360 - 19.9%
PS3 - 19.6%
PC - 17.6%
DS - 15.1%
PS2 - 3.1%
PSP - 2.8%
Mac - 0.6%


DS - 30.1%
PC - 23.7%
Wii - 16.2%
PS2 - 13.0%
PSP - 8.9%
Xbox 360 - 6.9%
Xbox - 0.3%
GBA - 0.1%


DS - 37.1%
Wii - 17.1%
PC - 13.3%
PS2 - 12.9%
PSP - 9.2%
Xbox 360 - 9.0%
GBA - 0.1%
Xbox - 0.1%


1. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii, DS) Sega
2. Devil May Cry 4 (360, PS3) Cacom
3. Wii Play (Wii) Nintendo
4. Burnout Paradise (360, PS3) EA
5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360, PS3, PC, DS) Activision
6. Turok (360, PS3) Disney
7. Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training (DS) Nintendo
8. FIFA ‘08 (PS2, 360, PS3, PSP, Wii, PC, DS) EA
9. More Brain Training (DS, Wii) Nintendo (typo or BBA Wii?)
10. The Simpsons Game (360, PS2, DS, WII, PSP, PS3) EA
11. Assassin’s Creed (PS3, 360) Ubisoft
12. PDC World Championship Darts (Wii, PS2, PC) Oxygen
13. Carnival: Funfair Games (Wii) Take 2
14. WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 (360, PS2, PS3, WII, PSP, DS) THQ
15. Need For Speed: Prostreet (360, PS2, PS3, Wii, PC, DS) EA
16. Conflict: Denied Ops (360, PS3, PC) Eidos
17. Ratatouille (DS, Wii, PS2, PS, PS3, 360, PC) THQ
18. The Club (360, PS3, PC) Sega
19. Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock (PS2, 360, PS3, Wii, PC) Activision
20. Professor Kageyama’s Maths Training (DS) Nintendo