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Passt auch gut hier rein, ich glaub das Fitnessboard wird ne fette Geldquelle für Nintendo. Wenn die Fitnessstudios jetzt schon Wii+Wiisports fürs Training einsetzen
Vancouver's Studeo 55, a snooty Canadian gym, has just opened up a Wii Sports training area. For real. The Wii is hooked into a 400 square-foot theatre and is displayed on a wall-sized projector, with customers encouraged to make a Wii Sports game part of their daily exercise routine. Which sounds like complete and utter crap. Not the Wii's health benefits, mind, the waste of resources. They've got a whole theatre and projector set up and they're wasting it on Wii Sports? Somebody get some splitscreen Timesplitters in there. Now, if you could.