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Mass Effect save file zu Mass Effect 2 infos


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Wie bekannt ist wird mann die save games von Mass Effect zu Mass Effect 2 übertragen können, ich hab mal aus nen englischen Forum ein paar infos rausgesucht was genau übernommen wird.

Save File Transfer

- Decisions made in Mass Effect will impact its sequel, most notably those made on a personal level. Casey Hudson has recommended keeping saved games from the original Mass Effect. Events confirmed to affect your save file include:

* The decision to save either Kaidan or Ashley.
* Whether or not the player kills Wrex on Virmire.
* Whether or not the player decides to save the Citadel Council at the end of Mass Effect.
* The player's choice of love interest.
* Whether the player spares or destroys the Rachni Queen at Peak 15.
* The player's treatment of Conrad Verner. (Der nervige Fan)

- Due to massive gameplay redesign, your level will not transfer over to Mass Effect 2 and you will start out with basic abilities, though some may be transferred.

- The game will acknowledge if you were a level 60 character and if you were a Renegade or Paragon and adapt it in ways that map across to the new system.

- The physical appearance of imported characters can be changed at the start of Mass Effect 2 if desired.

- Imported characters will be able to choose a different class at the start of Mass Effect 2 if desired.

- If you had more than one file in the original Mass Effect, you will be asked which file you wish to use.

Quelle: www.achieve360points.com
hier gibts ein Video dazu ! http://www.vg247.com/2010/01/20/mass-effect-2-video-shows-how-to-import-shepard-from-me1/